Message from the President
It is a great honor to serve as the eleventh president of the Taipei Cosmetic Industry Association. Thank you for all the continuous support that our members have provided. You are the cornerstone of this organization and your involvement is greatly appreciated. Time flies, this year marks the 23st year since our initial establishment. In addition to the deep sense of honor and responsibility, we also bear a great mission upon our shoulders - to inherit our past heritage and usher in the future. Together as a team, we shall promote our mission vigorously and strive to create an all-win business environment for the manufacturer, government authorities and consumers.
In recent years, the cosmetic industry is faced with the challenge of regulatory changes. The primary duty of the Association is to supervise the government in making timely and appropriate laws and regulations. The cosmetic laws that are effective today were created over two decades ago and are evidently outdated. As time changes, regulations should also be updated to apply to the needs of the new era. In the coming year, the Association will endeavor to promote the following five objectives:
- Enhance the relationships between the Association, government authorities, industry, academia and media; promote effective communication channels with the public community
- Stimulate the Association’s impact and reputation among all industrial associations nationwide
- Expand the scale of the Association through new member recruitment
- Stimulate horizontal interactions between members, promote our mission and affairs
- Perform the role of providing social education and publicity, protecting consumer rights
Finally, I wish all our members health, happiness, success and prosperity in all business endeavors.
President, Taipei Cosmetic Industry Association